Jayme’s Apology




It’s been a crazy first 2 months of 2016
Listeners have been asking:


-Where are your podcasts?
-Are you alright?
-It’s been weeks since we have heard from you!


I’m Back!


Click here and learn why

How To Be THE ONLY In-Network Provider In Your Area

In Network Provider



If you want to have no competition become a category of one”  Seth Godin


What if your practice was recognized as The Only In-Network provider for specific companies in your location?

What if

you could

Top 3 Dental Practice RELOCATION TIPS

doc nadya interior waiting room

 By Jayme Amos.  Get free updates of posts here

You’re exploring a dental practice relocation.

Are you crazy?
Dental practice relocations can be the BEST thing you do in the next stage of your career.


BUY or START a Dental Practice…which is WRONG for you?

doc nadya interor cabinet

Startups are right for SOME…
Startups are NOT RIGHT for every doctor. 

Have you asked yourself if you should buy or startup a dental practice?


You’re not alone.


We’ve seen some doctors thrive and be deeply fulfilled in their startup

Dental Floorplan Design MAGIC – How to make it all fit

Doc Bryan interior lobby

By Jayme Amos.  Get free updates of posts here

Get powerful knowledge about
dental floorplan design in this real-life training video.


If you’ve ever wondered how the best dental designs are created, you’ll learn some of the best tips

Cut your Dental School Debt …by $35k?

By Jayme Amos.  Get free updates of posts here


Cut Your Dental School Debt … by $35k?


The majority of dentists now come out of dental school with over $240,000 in debt.

Every week we hear from doctors

Two Top Concerns For Future Practice Owners

Doc Olga interior employee

By Jayme Amos.  Get free updates of posts here

Practice ownership can be the best choice in your career. 

The pride of accomplishment, the satisfaction of being your own boss, and the high income potential are benefits within your reach.

Dental Floorplan DISASTER AVERTED [close-call disaster]

Last week, we came dangerously close to a
Dental Floorplan Disaster.

In the true story below, you’ll learn 3 important things:

  • How the disaster almost happened
  • How you can avoid dental floorplan mess-ups like these
  • What can make your dental