Surround Yourself With Experts When Opening A Dental Startup

surround yourself with experts

This month Stephen Trutter, President of Ideal Practices, sat down with Marv Nelson, President of A-dec Corporation. In this interview you will learn from two dental industry experts about what it takes to move from associate dentist to successful startup …

13 Steps to Starting a New Dental Practice

13 Steps to Starting a New Dental Practice


Some say 13 is an unlucky number, but I say 13 is my favorite number! 

That’s because I know I’ve been able to take thousands of dental associates across the country and help them open their own dental startups through

#1 Simplest Dental Recall System – In 30 Seconds

By Jayme Amos.  Get free updates of posts here  

The #1 simplest dental recall system
is so darn easy, many practices overlook it.


But you won’t…not after you learn this technique and begin applying it with all the …

Dental Construction Cost: $100k Driveway Disbelief?

By Jayme Amos.  Get free updates of posts here

We’re constantly asked what an average Dental Construction Cost should be.


It’s a fair, smart question.
But perhaps you should be asking yourself another question:


What is the biggest

Dental Office Plumbing – Where’s the Copper?!

By Jayme Amos.  Get free updates of posts here

Is there a “right way” to complete
dental office plumbing?
You better believe it!!!

In one of our most recent dental office plumbing projects, we’d like to show you how the …

Dental Construction – Demolition Day VIDEO

By Jayme Amos.  Get free updates of posts here

Watch this office come face to face with demolition

in the next stage of dental construction!


Demolition just started on this historic building where we’re helping a client open a new …

Dental Construction At This New Office – Watch It Now!

By Jayme Amos.  Get free updates of posts here

Dental Construction

Have you considered renovating a building for your new dental office?

Watch the inception of renovation on a big dental construction:

An old, restored building could be one of …