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Video Testimonials in YOUR Practice (When and how to make them like a pro) – interview with Brandan Fisher



It’s a fact:

Well-made video testimonials from patients can create amazing results for your patient marketing.
Great videos can even act like a referral MACHINE for your new-patients flow.

Imagine what would happen in your patient with the “life changing” restoration told EVERY ONE of the people in your town about their transformation.

What might happen to new patient flow that month?
Everyone agrees that the best new patients come from referrals.
Great video testimonials  from patients can create this for you.
Today, you’ll learn how to do make great video testimonials in your practice.

Have you ever wondered any of these things:

-How do I make them videos without spending a fortune on a Hollywood studio?
-How I comfortably “do” the interview without begging patients?
-What equipment is needed?
-What questions need to be asked to make a great video?
-How long should the video be?
-Should it be on your website or on your facebook page?
-How do I make it look “good?
-What kind of benefit will my practice get out of this?
-Why do some of the chain dental practices use video testimonials?

Today, you’re going to get the newest, practical tips…with OR without you needing to make the video.

Today’s interview will give you a big step up in your ability to attract new patients and use the best
marketing tool available!


1.Get Brandan’s FREE 3 Part Training series and jump start the process in your practice!  Get it here.





Bestselling Author, Practice Location
Host, Ideal Practices Podcast
Chief Advocate for Practice Ownership

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